Tag Archives: Value

Information Is A Valuable Commodity Item

Keyword Quote = Information:Information is one the most valuable commodity items throughout human existence aside from time itself. It enables you to make decisions that will allow you to take directions and achieve positive or negative results in your life.” –Joseph Mercado {Author, Entrepreneur, Info Product Developer, Publisher, Speaker}

Time Certainly Has Wings and Will Fly Past You

Keyword Quote = Time: “Time certainly has wings, it flies by you every day, so make sure you don’t take your time and other people’s time for granted, for there is value within the days.” –Joseph Mercado {Author, Entrepreneur, Info Product Developer, Publisher, and Speaker}

Time Quote

Something to think about the next time you stare at the clock or look at your watch.

Are You A Service Or A Disservice To Yourself and Others?

Keyword Quote = Service: “Your mind is a product and the thoughts within it control your environment. When you show or allow yourself to display little or no respect for your self-worth, you end up doing yourself a disservice, and you also diminish the value you have as a person, making it extremely difficult to be there for other people. Be in control of your mind and the thoughts you produce. You can do this through your application of respect by tapping on the thought of default. Once you accomplish this, you become a service not only to yourself, but to other human beings by offering them your newly, discovered, positive thinking abilities. Help yourself so that you can be a good service to others and yourself.” -Joseph Mercado {Author, Publisher, and Speaker}

Service Quote